No question is unimportant or silly.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that our clients have asked:

Question: I'm always having "these" problems with my computer, tablet, phone, etc. What can I do myself?
Answer: Rebooting your device is the simplest way to see if you can solve your own problems. However, this may only be a temporary fix. If your problem continues to reoccur or if you are afraid you will lose all your data, give us a call right away at 647-899-2117.

Question: My computer does not turn on, what do I do now?
Answer: First, make sure your computer is plugged in properly. You'd be surprised at how often someone has kicked the plug or turned off the power strip!!

Question: Why does my computer or laptop monitor keep turning off?
Answer: By default, your computer will try to conserve power by turning off devices when not in use. This includes your monitor. You can adjust the power settings for your monitor and computer by going into the help and searching for "power and sleep settings".

Question: I'm getting a message that my device is infected with a Virus, Malware, Ransomware, etc! What do I do?
Answer: If you are getting a message like this, it could be legitimate or it could be fake. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell and you should CALL US so we can determine if there is a problem and how to fix it. You should NEVER call any phone numbers or give out any personal information, no matter what the message says (some messages even say they are from the police, FBI, Microsoft, etc). Also, don't download any programs or "fixes" or updates because these are all techniques used by hackers to access your system or personal information.

Question: Why is my computer so slow?
Answer: There are many possible answers such as too many programs open, backgropund downloading, poor Internet connection, etc. Give us a call so we can analyze your system and provide you with your options on optimizing your system.